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My friend Felicity over at Joshy and Belle is having her first giveaway for her 100th post. She is giving away the loveliest items! Please stop by and tell her I said hello.
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My little sister is getting married a week from Saturday, so this weekend I plan to get a pedicure, trim my hair, and figure out what I'm going to wear. I'm also looking forward to reading the last book available of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. That series has been so good!
What are your weekend plans?
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I just really need to say something about this week. It's been unexpectedly combative, and I've had to stand up for myself over and over, something I'm still learning how to do and not entirely comfortable with. This evening I found a quote I jotted down a few years ago that says it all.
I just really need to say something about this week. It's been unexpectedly combative, and I've had to stand up for myself over and over, something I'm still learning how to do and not entirely comfortable with. This evening I found a quote I jotted down a few years ago that says it all.
"There will invariably be people who don't accept you.
And in that case, you must be your own bad ass self, without apology."
-Katie Goodman
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
SWEET cards! Good job Friend! Glad you stuck your chest out and stood up for yourself, don't make me have to come up there and kick booty:) Can't wait to see pictures from the wedding! Have a blessed day!
Hi Stacy, wow you've been busy with all your ATCs. They all look beautiful as always. It is so nice that you have a theme each month. Congratulations to your sister. Enjoy your weekend and beauty treats. Sounds like you deserve them after your week. I can't believe anyone could be so horrible towards you. Grr...hope they apologise and buy you a nice treat!
Thanks Theresa! Your a great bloggy friend :o) I'm having lunch with my sis today and plan on asking her if I can post wedding pics on my blog. I hope so!
Glad you're back Katharine. I missed hearing from you. Although, how you find time to read other people's blogs and post comments is beyond me :o)
Hi Stacy,
It fun making these ATC cards and swapping with you & the girls.
Cute Cat ATC!!
Sounds fun to pamper yourself. I haven't had a peddi in ages...
It is important to stand up for ourselves...good for you!
Went out sale-ing yesterday and to 1 estate sale today...It's HOT & HUMID...and not fun to be outside or in a crowded house!!
Deb :)
Hi Deb! The ATCs are SO much fun. I often will head to my little art studio right after I get home from my day job and start working on them. I want to learn how to paint and draw a little better so I can create them in styles other than collage.
Stay cool and hydrated ...
Good Morning Stacy~I had to delete my first post on your blog because I did not proof it and it had lots of mistakes. You know I love your ATC swap cards! Your collages are wonderful. What fun to have lunch with your sister. I wish my sissy lived closer...GA is so far away from CA. I am glad you are pampering yourself this weekend. Don't let the "donkeys" at work get you down. Hugs, Dogwood
Hi Stacy
i love the bird nest cards, and thanks so much for mentioning my giveaway and blog, you're so lovely, I agree with woollywotnots how can people be horrible to you! the quote you found is great, its hard to stand up for ourselves when people knock us down! take care, fliss xx
Hi Dogwood. Thanks for your comment. I am so glad this week is over! Hope you have a nice crafty weekend and enjoy the movie if you end up going-- they were talking about it on KGO this morning saying it's really good.
Hi Felicity. Thanks for your sweet words. When people are unkind to me, my instinct is often to look the other way, but I've learned in the last few years I have to speak up for myself. Hopefully it will get easier. Have a great weekend!
Okay... I love that quote! I am going to write that down and carry it around with me for reference!!! Good for you for standing up for yourself. Felt good, I bet.
All the cards are gorgeous. I particularly like the one you sent me ☺ You do such nice work and put so much thought into them.
I hope you have a better weekend than your week has been. I have a ton of work to do. School starts in just over 2 weeks and I've done none of the writing I was supposed to do (tests, exams, learning materials). I am rapidly heading into panic mode. Arrrggghhh! Deep breaths...
Have fun at the 'spa' getting pampered and at your sis's wedding. Congrats to her!
Your ATC's are looking great and it sounds like you need a bit of pampering after that week, enjoy your preparations for next weekend.
Thanks Rachel and Tammy! I am sooooo looking forward to getting my feet pampered at the nail spa.
Girl Friend~you have been tagged by me~Dogwood
What lovely cards - especially love the ones with the nests.
Enjoy your sisters wedding and all the fun preparations. Hope next week is a better one:)
I have just stumbled on your blog...a few times actually and thought i would pop on in to say hello. I love your creations, free patterns..although i have not tried one yet..LOL...and your latest ATC's are gorgeous..fab little woodland interpretations...love them.
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa.
Great to meet you, Debra, and thanks for your nice words. Glad you said hello-- I like your blog.
Oh those cards are beautiful, and you are absolutely right, sometimes you just have to go the easy route (I am the queen of chunky yarn and large knitting needles ;-)
That is a wonderful quote you shared...I think I'll copy it down right now; thank you for sharing it!!
Hey Stacy - Back from the vacation, and LOOOOOVE the ATC you sent. Mine are ready to go. I really like how they are all so different.
Sorry to hear your week was other than you hoped - but pretty soon, sticking up for yourself won't be such a big deal, because you'll get so good at it, and everyone will see how wonderful (and strong) you are.
Hang in there!
Very pretty ATCs. I hope you have a nice relaxing week this next week and that you'll enjoy your sister's wedding!
Very cute cards
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