Thursday, July 30, 2009

1) Have you heard of The Bright Side Project ? It's a gorgeous website that offers giveaways every single day of the year. You can contribute an item to give away and promote your art.

2) My blog was showcased on Mindfully Simple ! Jill is a thoughtful, compassionate blogger and I am so happy to have met her.

3) There are lots of fantastic giveaways going on right now. Check out Woollywotnots , p.s. I quilt , Bumble Beans , Mindfully Simple, and Cute Stuff Inside . A few of these end on Saturday, August 1st, so please hurry!

4) Which Barbie are you? I took the personality test, and I'm the Original Barbie Teen-age Fashion Model. If you could see me, you would understand why that's so funny. (Picture a chubby, middle-aged woman who wears lots of stretchy cotton, nerdy eye glasses, and very little make-up.) Thanks to Two Crazy Crafters for posting the Barbie personality test link!

5) A while back, I received an award from Katharine at Woollywotnots. I loooove getting awards, but dislike passing them on because I don't like to single out certain blogs and leave others out. So for this award, I'm simply going to offer it to my newest blogging friends in order to promote their blogs and say thank you for commenting regularly. There is no obligation to pass on the award, mention it in a post, or do anything at all.

And the award goes to:



Theresa said...

Thank you for that sweet award! I love it and you make my heart smile too! I am thankful I found your blog:) Love to all!

Stacy said...

You're welcome Theresa! Your blog is so cheerful and filled with love. It's been fun getting to know your family (but I am a bit jealous about all of the pool parties :-)

Jill said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I am so very excited to receive this award! You are so very kind, Stacy!

Stacy said...

You're welcome, Jill! Thank YOU for showcasing me, and for all of the wonderful writing you do on your blog.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Thank you for the award! We apreciate it vey much!
I'm glad you liked the Barbie personality test!

Stacy said...

You're welcome, Lindsey. I love your Barbie Wednesday posts.

woollywotnots said...

Hi Stacy, I love the five things button. Is that your design? Thanks for the link to the bright side project. Looks great.
Super post :-)

Linda said...

Thank you so much for this lovely award, I will definately pass it on. I really appreciate all the wonderful comments you leave on my blog, you are very kind :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the award Stacey, I love it xxxx

Stacy said...

You're welcome everyone!

Katharine, the Five Things button is my design-- it's clip art from Word :-)


Hello "glitter Golden Brid"...
Thanks for the award and I will post about it.
I love that you glittered the dish are funny!!
Happy Weekend!
Deb :)

Rachel said...

Congrats on your award and on being featured on Mindfully Simple!

I'm trying to imagine what kind of Barbie I'd be - bitchy Barbie, maybe? haha. I'll go and take the test.

Dogwood said...

Another good blog. I always look forward to see what you will come up with next. Hugs, Pink Dogwood Designs

Hannah said...

thank you so much for giving me this award! :D

Stacy said...

You're welcome, Hannah!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Thank you so much for the lovely award! I am so sorry that I have been behind in my blog reading and didn't check in earlier. Have a great weekend.