Monday, March 8, 2010

Softy softness

Don't you love it when goodies arrive in the mail?

More of the cotton/silk softnesss that I love was in my mailbox this evening. I ordered it from Webs last week, but was getting antsy because it took a whole six days to arrive. I don't understand why they can't get it in the mail the minute I place my order :o)

This color is called "Fairytale."

This one is "Guilded Lilys." I had buyer's remorse earlier today when I went to the website and looked at this color again, but now that I've seen it in real life I'm very happy with it.

Yesterday I started working on my March artist trading cards for my swap group. Instead of selecting a theme, Cory sent each person in the group a packet of embellishments to use on our cards as we want. Fun, fun. I can't show you mine yet because they aren't finished, but I'll post them in a few weeks after everyone has received them.

My poor baby Charlie. He was very sick the other night and I didn't know what to do. He let out the saddest little meow every time I tried to touch him. Charlie seems better now, but I'm still keeping a close eye on him.

This is my
Ishbel shawl I recently started working on. I'm knitting it with 100% wool, something I rarely use. Bamboo, cotton, and silk blends are so much more comfortable next to my skin. But I like the colors and the way it is striping, so I'm going to try to stick with the wool.

When I left my office this evening, the wind was blowing so hard I thought I was going to be swept away. I wanted to take a picture of the swaying trees, but it was so cold I had to run to my car. It hailed on the drive home, which was pretty exciting because we rarely get interesting weather around here. When I got home I opened the bedroom window so I could listen to the sound of the rain as I worked on my Ishbel. I love to knit by the window to whatever sounds are going on outside ... birdsong, rain, the rustle of leaves, children playing.


Linda said...

Stacy, your yarn is wonderful! Such beautiful rainbows, I love rainbows:) Your cat is so sweet... Such a wise expression on his face. I also like to knit by the window and enjoy watching the bird feeder outside.
Have a wonderful week,

Jenny said...

Wow, what beautiful yarn you got! I love both colours, they look so vibrant and cheerful!

And not to mention the Ishbel! I love that pattern, and that yarn is really workinggreat with it. Can't wait to see it finished!

Theresa said...

Beautiful yarn, love the colors and the golden is so pretty. Now that Stacy sure sent you a bunch of stuff to use, can't wait to see the pretties you make. Poor Charlie, he is so cute... I hope he feels better soon.

AND love that shawl, gorgeous my friend. It amazes me how you can take a pile of yarn and make something so pretty. Talented my friend, that's what you are Talented. Hugs from Georgia, have a blessed day!

Maiden Jane said...

You paint an interesting picture - knitting by the window....we've had perfectly glorious, sunshiny, still weather. We went out for a walk last night. It was chilly, but spring is in the air.

I like how Ishbel is starting. And I love the cotton/silks....they look so soft.

Kitty said...

I love the guilded lilies yarn- the colors are right up my alley!

I'm really glad to hear that your cat is ok- that can be so scary to think that you might lose them!

Suz said...

what a beautiful basket of yarn...kitty didn't want to take nap on it?
Poor baby, keep an eye on him
love your discription of sitting by the peaceful and zenny like
Looking forward to seeing your ATC

Dogwood said...

I am back from my high school weekend. So much fun!

Love the soft colors of your yard!

I mailed my March ATC today.

I hope Charlie is feeling better real soon!

Another beautiful and beautifully knit shawl.

Hugs, Dogwood

Rachel said...

What beautiful yarn - and what a nice treat to get it in the mail. Good mail always makes my day!

Poor Charlie. I hope he's feeling better. :(

Your new shawl looks great. I like the stripes too.

I mailed my ATCs this morning. It will be interesting to see how everyone used the goodies Cory sent us. Can't wait to get yours!


Pretty yarn and sure hope your kitty is feeling better!
I can't wait to open the windows and let the fresh air in :)
Deb :)

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, love that fairytale! And the description of you listening to sounds outside when you knit.

So, I'm sitting here on my laptop reading your blog and I let out an audible "Awww" when I read about Charlie. Hubby looks up and says "What?" Which surprised me, so I said "Oh, my friend's kitty is sick." To which, he smiled, but rolled his eyes LOL! I hope Charlie is feeling better!

M.E. Greene said...

Mmmm.... delish! You've got lots of wonderful goodies. I agree, soft scrumptious mail is the best!

Susan Gallacher-Turner said...

I love the color and the name of that yarn...Fairytale. I'm glad your kitty is feeling better and you enjoyed cozily knitting with all winter weather outside. We had snow and hail here this week, too. Amazing isn't it?

Can't wait to see what you make with your new yarns!

Cloudberry said...

BEautiful colours on your new yarn!
And I love the colours on your Ishbel. Hope it won't itch since it's pure wool.

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Beautiful colors of yarn! Love the very subtle shimmer, too.

I hope your Charlie is feeling better soon. Such a sweet face. Baby him a little extra this week. :-)


Joshy and belle said...

Oh Stacey
poor you, has it been sorted now? our neighbour has been a lot quieter so im hoping and praying that things will improve now, its so horrible to be unhappy in your own home, if you ever need to chat im always here for you,

your yarn is lovely by the way, take care, fliss xx

Woollywotnots said...

Love your yarn, just my choice! :-)